Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How I Find Deals

My friend Stephanie asked what kind of sites I use to find great deals so I thought I'd take a little time to explain my process. Quite honestly, I rely pretty heavily on many, many amazing blogs. Some of my favorites for finding deals are Money Saving Mom, My Frugal Adventures, and Pinching Your Pennies. The women at Money Saving Mom and My Frugal Adventures post a lot of great advice about combining sales with coupons, freebies, freezer-cooking, and even fun projects to do with your kiddos! I mainly use Pinching Your Pennies for their forums that have grocery lists. The lists lay out the current sales by store and then show you the price after any coupons are used. I use the lists for the local grocery stores and for Walgreens and CVS. Walgreens and CVS have their own incentive programs that take a little while to learn. You can read up on it here.

A friend of mine gave me and another friend of mine a tutorial on how to use these resources, which was SUPER helpful! But it really is one of those things you kind of have to pick up on your own. I have started branching out into reading other types of blogs focused around saving money while still eating right, having fun, etc. I use Life as Mom, $5 Dinners, and Good Cheap Eats for recipes, advice on freezer cooking, and random other helpful advice.

All of these sites have a ton of really helpful information, tips, and advice on how to save money while still living well. These sites don't catch every single deal out there, so I usually do a little investigating of my own whenever I go into the stores to see what else I can get :) A little extra work in reading these blogs, planning, and shopping is really paying off. I'm always looking for new ways to save. What do you do to keep more of your hard-earned cash in your own pocket?


  1. Oh yay! This is great, and I will be checking out all of these sites to work on my own couponing skills! :)

  2. Glad to help! Let me know if I can help any more :)
